All those smoking are well aware of the pressing need to immediately cease it due to its detrimental effects on the functioning of vital organs like the heart, lungs, brain, and also sex life. Smoking also has a marring impact on one’s appearance.


Prone to Psoriasis

Rationally, psoriasis is an autoimmune-associated skin ailment surfacing despite never having smoked. But, those who do smoke raise their likelihood of developing crusty skin conditions. A study conducted during 2007 revealed that those who puffed a cigarette packet daily for a decade or less raised their psoriasis chances by nearly twenty percent. This smoking behavior when exhibited for close to two decades raised their risk to sixty percent and those crossing the 2-decade marker doubled their chances of developing psoriasis. Those exposed to second-hand cigarette smoke when pregnant or during infancy have been associated with a greater risk.

Prone to Psoriasis

Susceptible to Warts

Due to reasons not yet completely comprehensible, those indulging in smoking are more prone to contracting HPV (human papillomavirus) infection – a vast virus family that causes warts inclusive of genital warts. Though genital warts are contracted due to sexually transmitted HPV forms, cigarette smoking could additionally increase risk. When the number of sexual mates is also taken into consideration, woman smokers were almost 4 times more prone to developing genital warts as compared to non-smoking women.

Susceptible to Warts

Untimely wrinkly and aged skin

Though aging gracefully is a well-appreciated fact but getting a wrinkly appearance when way young is definitely not a welcome sight. Premature wrinkles would imminently show up amongst smokers as specialists consent that smoking hastens aging which makes smokers appear almost 2 years older than those who did stop smoke. Smoking hinders blood circulation that is vital in maintaining skin tissue suppleness and health.

Untimely wrinkly and aged skin


Innate Face Radiance is lost

Smokers often have typical facial traits like creases, age lines, boniness, and greyish appearance due to carbon monoxide presence in cigarette smoke that dislodges oxygen in the skin, lowering blood circulation which causes dryness and discoloration in the skin. Smoking additionally causes depletion of several vital nutrients inclusive of vitamin C that aids in the protection and restoration of damaged skin.

Innate Face Radiance is lost


The oxidative strain on the eye lens caused due to smoking could augment the likelihood of developing cataracts. Factually a study has revealed that prolonged smoking could up risk to nearly twenty-two percent. The number of cigarettes smoked is a more vital risk aspect as compared to the lengths of time a person has indulged in smoking. It is never too late to kick the butt for warding off all these negative impacts.


More Abdominal Flab

Cigarettes do curb one’s craving for foods and frequently smokers had lesser weight as compared to non-smoking people. But a Netherland-based study conducted a year back revealed that smokers had greater fat accumulation in their viscera, mid-section, eventually raising their likelihood of developing other ailments inclusive of diabetes.

More Abdominal Flab

Under-eye bags

Don’t we all abhor not getting adequate sleep and it showing up on one’s face? Well, according to results of a John Hopkins research, those smoking are four folds more prone than non-smokers to report a sense of discomposure and depleted energy levels subsequent to a night’s sleep. Night-time nicotine withdrawal can cause tossing and turning leading to sleep deficit and hence looking jaded and no-so-pretty.

Under-eye bags