Though many may say that thirty is the new twenty, many women who are thirty would actually love it if it weren’t just a mindset. The beauty tips that worked for you when you were twenty no longer stand relevant. Of all the tumultuous changes that turning 30 brings about, you should not be worried about some!

So don that bold look and don’t worry abut the lines , as we have rounded a list of 7 important beauty tips for women over thirty that shall help you sail across unknown seas with relative ease:


Use Lighter Products

Now as women age, midst a hurry they take up any anti ageing products they can get their hands on, but one must keep in mind that if they want to make their skin feel supple and not so prone to breakouts they must use a product that is not so thick. What would help is to make sure that they have a high anti oxidant level that will protect the skin from oxidative stress. UV protection and anti ageing products are also criterion you should not overlook while buying products.

Use Lighter Products

 Sunscreen Yourself

Another thing that changes as you grow older is your skin’s natural guard against the harmful rays of the sun. It is very important to make sunscreen an essential part of your routine every day to protect your skin against harmful UVA and UVB rays.

Be diligent about it as after 30 the signs of the harmful effects of the sun really started showing in the form of pigmentation or dark spots. It is also a fact that a good sunscreen is the best anti ageing product there is.

 Sunscreen Yourself


Another important part of the skin care regimen is exfoliation. This is necessary as it helps to remove the dead skin cells. It is advisable to do this before bedtime so that the skin can be nourished an renewed over night.exfoliating regularly keeps your skin healthy and glowing and ensures that the products you uses get absorbed more evenly.



Eyebrow Detailing

As you age, your hair starts thinning, so maintaining uniform brows also becomes a task. So make sure that you keep your brows healthy by applying castor oil and running an eyebrow brush through them each day.this will also help with the regrowth and shaping them. This is especially helpful to open the eye area and make it look more alert and refreshed.

Eyebrow Detailing


Probably the most important tip. Gone are days where you could eat anything and still have blemish free skin, entering the thirties means that whatever you eat- a proof of it will surface through your appearance. So stop the mindless snacking and make sure you eat lots of greens and nutrients. Also, give up on faddy diets and understand your dietary needs. As women get older, the body starts to reach its toxicity limit and can’t process toxins like it used too. Toxins can build up from drinking too much caffeine or alcohol, not drinking enough water, grabbing fast food on the go, stress, lack of sleep, lack of exercise.



It is necessary for you to take some vitamins to ensure smooth functioning of your body despite the rapid hormonal surge. The important vitamins are A, C and E.(sweet potatoes, organic butter, liver, leafy greens, peppers, berries, broccoli, nuts and seeds). make sure you eat these to keep your skin at its best.
