You should be consuming a diet that is high in fruits, vegetables, and legumes. However, spices are just as important. They’re a key ingredient in many dishes, so start cooking with some of the following spices to boost your health.



This is the most expensive spice, but it is well worth it. They not only help you heal, but they preserve levels of three critical neurotransmitters; dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine. It has been shown that saffron protects individuals against Alzheimer’s, cancer, anxiety, PMS, and insomnia. Although spices have incredible benefits, they’re not magic. You need to follow a healthy lifestyle in order to maximize the benefits they bring. Get into the habit of cooking with a variety of spices. You will find that they bring bold flavors, while they tend to your overall health.



Diabetes is a growing concern. This has a lot to do with poor diet and lack of exercise. It’s crucial that you manage your blood sugar, as high blood sugar is also detrimental to your cardiovascular health. Cinnamon helps to control blood sugar levels.

It is also noted in preventing and treating cancer, cholesterol, hypertension, stroke, ulcers, and wounds. When possible, buy whole sticks and grind them as needed. If you’re buying ground, choose an option that has been ground from the whole quills. The next time you cook a soup or stew, simmer one quill within this dish. You can also sprinkle it on your fruit, use it as a rub, or make a spiced tea.



Cayenne gives your dishes that extra kick while providing a variety of healing spices benefits. In fact, a compound in cayenne is an active ingredient in many present prescription and over-the-counter creams. These creams target arthritis, muscle, and nerve pain.

Cayenne works as both an antioxidant and an anti-inflammatory. Whenever you’re sick with a cold or flu, sprinkle cayenne onto your soup. It shrinks the blood vessels found in your throat and nose. This relieves congestion. It is also believed to boost metabolism, reduce blood sugar levels, and potentially aid in cancer treatment.




Coriander is not the same as cilantro. Cilantro comes from the leaves of the plant, while coriander comes from the seed. Within the seed, there are two potent antioxidants. Antioxidants provide a wide variety of benefits. They protect your cells, keeping you healthy, and preventing disease.

Coriander is noted in digestion research. It is believed that it relaxes contracted muscles that cause painful symptoms for those with IBS and other digestive disorders. The same is believed to be true for arteries, effectively lowering blood pressure. It has also been shown to prevent and treat colon cancer, eczema, insomnia, ulcers, and type II diabetes.



In India, turmeric paste is applied to wounds, speeding the healing process. Once again, turmeric contains a potent compound that provides both anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. Curcumin has been shown to inhibit tumor cell growth, which is exciting for cancer research. It also shrinks tumor cells and prevents the necessary blood supply for cancer cells to grow. This has been published in more than 1000 studies. It has also been widely studied regarding heart disease, Alzheimer’s, and diabetes.



Ginger has long been used to treat nausea and motion sickness. When we feel nauseous, the hormone vasopressin is released. When individuals consume ginger, the release of vasopressin is reduced. It is also known to maintain blood pressure and aid in digestion. When possible, buy fresh ginger. If you’re a green tea drinker, add a slice of ginger to your mug.



This is not the mustard you put on your hot dogs. Mustard seed helps with circulation, provides anti-inflammatory properties, and is known to have laxative effects. The anti-inflammatory properties are due to high levels of selenium and magnesium. They also reduce anxiety, the severity of asthma, and prevent heart attacks.
