Juicy and refreshing, benefits of raspberries are a wonderful snack and a favorite ingredient in fruity smoothies. However, it turns out that they are also very good for your health, potentially influencing everything from the severity of your allergies to the condition of your skin. Here are 7 of the most incredible and powerful reasons to consider stocking up on raspberries.


They assist with diabetes management

If you’ve been diagnosed with either type of diabetes, you’ll want to ensure that your diet is particularly high in fiber, as fiber helps to keep blood sugar levels under control. Studies on type 1 diabetes patients who eat plenty of fiber show a decrease in blood glucose levels, while those with type 2 diabetes demonstrate not only healthier blood sugar levels but also better insulin levels.

They assist with diabetes management

They have antibacterial properties

As well as helping your heart, anthocyanins may be able to cut your risk of bacterial infections. In particular, raspberry juice is proven to inhibit the growth of Salmonella, E. Coli and Shigella. There is also promising data suggesting that raspberry juice can slow the reproduction of Candida albicans, the common fungus that leads to yeast infections like oral thrush. However, this relationship is more contentious, and research is ongoing.

They have antibacterial properties

They can be useful during pregnancy

Raspberries are a traditional remedy for nausea and morning sickness that often occur in the first trimester of pregnancy (as well as beyond the first few months for some unlucky women!). However, it may be worth avoiding raspberry leaf tea until much later in pregnancy, as some women swear that it helps to bring on labor and makes the process easier.

They can be useful during pregnancy


They support cardiovascular health

Raspberries contain plant pigments called anthocyanins, and studies show that a diet rich in anthocyanins may be linked to a lower risk of death from heart disease. Research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition shows that anthocyanins seem to inhibit the high levels of inflammation linked to heart disease, and suggest that regular consumption of these flavonoids could cut heart attack risk by more than 30% in the young and middle-aged.

They support cardiovascular health

They could help to maintain youthful skin

The aforementioned anthocyanins in raspberries also encourage increased production of collagen, the structural protein responsible for the smooth, glowing skin associated with youth. Skin products containing anthocyanins may also be able to protect the skin from damage by potentially toxic free radicals and reduce the damage caused by UV radiation.

They could help to maintain youthful skin

They are good for hay fever sufferers

If you’re struggling with the red, itchy eyes and constant attacks of sneezing associated with hay fever, reach for a bowl of raspberries. They contain quercetin, another amazing antioxidant that is also a natural antihistamine. Since excessive histamine is responsible for hay fever symptoms, raspberries may help you to enjoy time outdoors without feeling miserable.

They are good for hay fever sufferers

They have antibacterial properties

As well as helping your heart, anthocyanins may be able to cut your risk of bacterial infections. In particular, raspberry juice is proven to inhibit the growth of Salmonella, E. Coli and Shigella. There is also promising data suggesting that raspberry juice can slow the reproduction of Candida albicans, the common fungus that leads to yeast infections like oral thrush. However, this relationship is more contentious, and research is ongoing.

They have antibacterial properties