The solar system is a bizarre place with so many strange phenomena that almost seem unexplainable but that’s personally what makes space so breathtaking and amazing to me. So many cool things have been discovered in space and yet the universe is so vast that there are so many things that still are left to be discovered.


A planet made entirely made of diamonds

This planet actually used to be a star but sometimes the debris that’s left over after a star dies starts a second career as a planet. The star kept its carbon core and carbon just needs a ton of heat and pressure to become a diamond which is what happens underground on Earth But in this particular spot in space, the conditions were just right for the entire interior of the former star to harden, crystallize and turn into a planet-sized gem.

A planet made entirely made of diamonds

A Star 1,500 Times Bigger Than Our Sun

Earth's moon is relatively inactive but Jupiter's moon has hundreds of volcanoes and is considered the most active moon in the solar system. The moon's insides tense up and relax as it orbits closer to, and farther from, the planet, generating enough energy for volcanic activity. Also to go along with the idea of volcanos, there's a volcano on Mars three times the size of Mount Everest.

A Star 1,500 Times Bigger Than Our Sun

There's a giant rain cloud in space

Scientists have found a huge pool of water just floating out there in space and its actually the biggest collection of water in the universe that we know of... like 100,000 times larger than the sun big. The cloud is so large that it holds 140 trillion times more water than all of our oceans.

There's a giant rain cloud in space


There may be a huge planet at the edge of our solar system

Based on mathematical calculations and on simulations that astronomers performed, they discovered that there could be a giant planet lurking far beyond Neptune. Several teams are now on the search for this theoretical "Planet Nine," which could take decades to find.

There may be a huge planet at the edge of our solar system

A cold star

We were taught since elementary school that stars were always burning hot but actually, there's a star thats only around 80 degrees Fahrenheit. We could walk around on it in shorts and flip flops.

A cold star

But there are more stars in the universe than there are grains of sand on the earth

Scientists estimate that the number of stars in the universe are around 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars, or a septillion. That's a lot compared to the seven quintillion five hundred quadrillion grains of sand on Earth.

But there are more stars in the universe than there are grains of sand on the earth