It’s been so long since Beauty blogs have invaded the internet, there seem to be several self-help tutorials on YouTube or a blog on the net for every conceivable beauty treatment as well as beauty tips and tricks. You might think there is nothing left to know. This is where we can prove you wrong! Here is a list of lesser-known remedies for everyday beauty and hygiene issues that plague young women all across the globe.


Avocado to tame frizzy hair

If you have frizzy hair and this damages your look. Avocado is surprising can fix your damaged hair and save you. For the mask, you need to mash an avocado with some yogurt and apply it to your hair for 45 minutes twice a week. You’ve better use this mask once a week cause avocado contains useful vitamins for hair repairment and nourishment while yogurt conditions your hair.

Avocado to tame frizzy hair

Baking soda and lemon to remove stains from your nails

There are so many reasons for your nails to turn yellowish, among which: nail polish, smoking, liver disease, poor lifestyle habits, and even fungal infection. It is always important to consult a specialist and fight the internal issue, but there are some surprising home remedies to make your nails look better.

One of the best DIY remedies is a mix of lemon and soda, which have bleaching and exfoliating properties. Just make a thick paste mixing one tbsp of soda, half a tsp of olive oil and one tsp of lemon juice.

Baking soda and lemon to remove stains from your nails

Strawberry paste to treat razor burns

As we know, razor bumps can be painful and irritating. But there is a surprising way to reduce pain and swelling is to mash some strawberries together with sour cream and apply directly to the razor burn for 10-15 minutes. The beneficial effects of strawberries are connected to their anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties and their remarkable composition of minerals and vitamin C.

Strawberry paste to treat razor burns


 Activated charcoal to whiten teeth

It is quite surprising to know that activated charcoal can help whiten your teeth. You only have to crush up one tablet of activated charcoal, add a bit of water, and mix it into a paste. Then, gently apply the paste and rinse after 3 minutes. But you shouldn’t perform this procedure too often as charcoal can be too harsh on your teeth.

 Activated charcoal to whiten teeth

Honey to heal chapped lips

People often suffer from having dry and cracked lips. It’s is something we’ve all experienced. In fact, lips can become chapped because of either hot or cold weather, allergies, and frequent open-mouth breathing. Due to its moisturizing and healing properties, honey is a traditional method to combat this problem, and it was used in the ancient civilizations of Egypt.

Honey to heal chapped lips

Spoons to remove eye bags

We’ve all heard of different remedies to get rid of dark circles and eye bags in the morning like tea bags, cucumbers, and potato slices. But there is a way that does not require any products at all. To remove swelling and puffiness, place cold metal spoons on your eyes for ten minutes before applying makeup.

Spoons to remove eye bags

Black lentils to treat split ends

Consider using black lentils to help you get rid of split ends. To prepare a hair mask, grind half a cup of black lentils, add one tbsp of fenugreek seeds, and add some yogurt to the mixture. You need to apply the mask to your hair and wash it off with warm water after one hour.

Black lentils to treat split ends