Beauty standards are different worldwide, but unfortunately, some unfair and unrealistic expectations are still around after centuries. In this age of female empowerment and body positivity, we need to drop these outdated beauty standards holding us back. Here are all the narrow ideals we need to shed to embrace the true spectrum of beauty that exists within us all.


Tamed hair

Although frizzy hair is frustrating, it’s something that we can’t change without a significant amount of styling and hair products. Unfortunately, frequent straightening can lead to even fluffier, frizzier hair over time. Rather than trying to transform your locks into something they’re not, embrace our hair’s natural uniqueness and let that be a source of confidence to you.

Tamed hair

Round hips

There are tons of workout videos claiming that you can get rid of hip dos and obtain perfectly round hips to give you that coveted hourglass figure. Realistically, no exercise can fill in this gap, which exists due to our build and genetics. Since these aren’t things we can change, we suggest you remember that hips are always a sign of feminine sensuality, no matter what shape or size yours come in. Here’s to embracing our all-encompassing beauty instead of fixating on the little things.

Round hips

 Bounce-back culture

This toxic trend refers to the societal expectation for new moms to return to their pre-baby bodies and looks as quickly as possible. It’s unsafe for new moms to prioritize their looks over their emotional and physical health, especially at a time when their bodies are going through so much. Everybody is different and heals differently. Instead, we should be celebrating new mothers for being as resilient and strong as they are. That in itself is a thing of beauty.

 Bounce-back culture


Smooth skin

We all suffer from acne and other skin issues occasionally, yet women are expected to look flawless and blemish-free in real life. However, in real life, there is no Photoshop, filters or Facetune. Instead, skin is filled with imperfections and textures. This isn’t a bad thing — they’re individual characteristics that make you unique. Rather than comparing yourself to super-edited pictures, embrace your skin as is and ignore the critics!

Smooth skin

No armpit fat

Otherwise referred to as “armpit puff,” there are plenty of articles and videos that promise to get rid of this. However, targeted spot removal with fat isn’t possible, and a buildup in the area is often due to genetics, hormones, or other conditions. Society puts a lot of unrealistic pressure on women to have toned bodies but remember that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and there’s no such thing as perfect.

No armpit fat

A sharp jawline

Facial features like jawlines are another beauty standard that people are forced to conform to. While we think that a baby face with softer features can be just as stunning and charming, a strong jawline is often more coveted. Getting surgery to change your chin or cheeks shouldn’t be a replacement for self-worth.

A sharp jawline

Manicured nails

Women are constantly being pressured to get their nails done, which is something that takes time and money. Additionally, some just don’t like the feeling of anything on their nails. While prioritizing self-care is fine, the most important thing is to feel comfortable in your own skin and express yourself the way that you want to.

Manicured nails