Dolphins are praised for their intelligence and apparent friendliness. They are loved worldwide because they are playful and have a certain thing that makes them stand out. And while they can do a lot of interesting things and have a lot of good qualities to them, dolphins also have a dark side to them.  Dolphins might seem like happy, loveable creatures that like to play with humans but the reality is something from the land of nightmares.


Dolphins can use tools

They have been seen picking up sponges and adding them to their snouts in an effort to (probably) protect themselves when going into hard to reach places or places that could hurt them otherwise. And we’re sure they use other tools as well but we just haven’t noticed it.

Dolphins can use tools

Dolphins can get sexually frustrated and if this happens they go wild

Dolphins have been known to go on killing sprees (usually attacking porpoises) when they are frustrated sexually. In most cases, the attackers are young dolphins that will ram the poor porpoises until they are dead. Why do they do this? It seems because dolphins don’t have thumbs so they can’t, well, get rid of their sexual frustrations like we humans do. So, instead they ram porpoises which seems to have a similar effect? They have also been observed to play with the corpses of their kills (porpoises) so there’s that.

Dolphins can get sexually frustrated and if this happens they go wild

Each dolphin has his own personal whistle that others can recognize!

And dolphins recognize one another using these whistles. Scientists are studying and recording all the whistles and sounds dolphins make in an attempt to figure out their language. Could we one day learn to speak to dolphins and understand them?

We hope you’ve learned a few things about dolphins and that it wasn’t too upsetting to learn they do have a dark side to them. They have been positively portrayed by the media but it would have been better to know the full story, the good, the bad and the ugly. And again, there are plenty of videos online to show their dark instincts if you’d like to see for yourself.

Each dolphin has his own personal whistle that others can recognize!


Dolphins can get high

They do this by grabbing puffer fish for some time and then leaving it and enjoying the effects of the toxins just released. In lower doses the toxin from puffer fish acts like a drug and dolphins know this and use it to their liking.

Dolphins often kill their own offspring just so they can mate with their mother!

From what we know, dolphins are among the few animals that kill for fun. Male dolphins kill their babies in an attempt to get their females to once again want to mate with them. It’s an ingenious (although deadly) strategy.

Dolphins often kill their own offspring just so they can mate with their mother!

Dolphins hunt both for food and for the hunt

They like to hunt in pairs and find new and inventive ways to catch their prey. It seems they really like hunting, just like hunters who hunt for pleasure not because they need to.

Sometimes dolphins just attack or kill for fun

Whether it’s baby porpoises and adult porpoises or other animals, dolphins may attack and even kill them just because they can. They’ve been observed picking on smaller creatures with no apparent reason. You might not have expected the loveable dolphins to do such things but they do.

Sometimes dolphins just attack or kill for fun

Dolphins like to get it on

They have been observed inserting their sexual organs inside the blowholes of other dolphins. Yeah, read that one again.

Dolphins can be very aggressive sexual-wise

Whether it’s baby porpoises and adult porpoises or other animals, dolphins may attack and even kill them just because they can. They’ve been observed picking on smaller creatures with no apparent reason. You might not have expected the loveable dolphins to do such things but they do.

Dolphins can be very aggressive sexual-wise