Sample the many monuments you see around and you’ll agree that every civilization in human history had special talents and intelligence. Inspired by different materials, objectives, styles, and old architectural influences, designers of the past and near past really attempted to prove that nothing is impossible.


Cathedral of Brasilia, Brazil

Designed and built in 1950s-70s by Oscar Niemeyer and Lucio Costa, the cathedral of Brasilia still stands exquisitely in Brasil to date. The two Marxist designers constructed this curvy cathedral (that resembles a crown) as deviation from the usual cubic structure. Still, their works of rebellion is one of the best ever seen in the world, that it featured in this list of cool architecture buildings.

Cathedral of Brasilia, Brazil

Taj Mahal, India

Love is a beautiful thing! Especially if it leads to a magnificent piece of art like the Taj Mahal. Inspired by nothing but love and adoration for his other half, Emporor Shah Jahan commissioned the best architectures in India to a decade-long construction— which estimates at a whopping $830 million in today values.

The stretch from its gates to the front door is a large empty space, a wide walkway with trees on the sidelines, and then comes the captivating exterior of the tall building. Inside is a collection of jewelry and ancient Indian art and tombs of the Emperor and his wife.

Taj Mahal, India

The Dancing House, Prague

Optical illusion is the secret to the Nationale-Nederlanden building, or as it is commonly known, The Dancing House. The two architects; Vlado Milunić and Frank Gehry managed to achieve a sort of dancing structure using 99 different concrete panels. Each panel was cut to a unique dimensions and shape in order to achieve this swaying design. And wow! The Dancing house is a marvel that the nation’s central bank included it in one of Czech Republic’s Gold coins.

The Dancing House, Prague


The Colosseum, Italy

The Roman Empire’s classical architecture was powerful. One of its work was the Flavian Amphitheatre, which is probably the most ancient stadium ever. The Colosseum features volcanic rocks, brick-faced concrete, and travertine limestone to form a gigantic stadium that become significant to Rome. The Flavian amphitheater hosted different events and ceremonies including games and executions.

The Colosseum, Italy

The Great Mosque of Djenné, Mali

This sun dried earth-brick and plaster structure has survived for centuries, against all the odds. It was originally built in the 1200s and has since enjoyed only a single touch of remodeling (done in the early 90s). Still, the people of Mali are proud of it that it appears in the nation’s court of arms. And to keep their treasure alive forever, the Djenne community hosts an annual festival to fix any cracks or damages.

The Great Mosque of Djenné, Mali

The Great Pyramid, Egypt

A glance at the pyramids of Giza and you’ll be perplexed what ancient Egyptians were made of. It also explains why the Great Pyramid is one of the world’s seven wonders. Completed in 2560 BC, the 481ft tall pyramid is the largest of all the constructions in the Giza complex, and was a record-holder for the tallest structure ever for over 3700 years.

The Great Pyramid, Egypt

The Forbidden City, China

A chain of over 950 beautiful ancient wooden houses formed in the early 1400s still stand prominently in China. And surprisingly, these cool architecture buildings still attract nearly 40, 000 tourists a day. Believed to be the home to the Ming and Qing empires, the Forbidden City is said to have served China’s administrative center for over 1000 years.

The Forbidden City, China