Most of the modern professions are distinguished by a progressive focus and increased comfort of the work process. However, some specialists work in terrible conditions that can cause irreparable harm not only to the nervous system but also to life in general. This article presents a selection of the world’s worst professions.


Animal food taster

The task of this specialist includes the study of the aroma and taste of animal feed, as well as making decisions about the need to make changes to their recipe. Among the professional duties of a taster, there are three mandatory tests: A thorough examination of the smell, checking for the content of bone residues, and identifying the required level of cartilage in the composition.

Animal food taster


This is one of the most dangerous activities in the world: lumberjacks are killed almost 11 times more often than any other professional. Cutting trees is only from the outside, it seems simple, but in fact, you have to work with specialized equipment in places of increased danger.

According to official statistics, in just 1 year, there are at least 30 thousand accidents in the field of this profession. A big threat is posed not only by working tools in the form of the sharp saw but also by large tree branches.


 Malaria Control Specialist

This work is widespread in the scientific community and is urgently needed to prevent malaria. Malaria is transmitted by Anopheles darlingi mosquitoes, which rarely fall into traps on their own. For scientific research, it is important to catch live individuals, therefore, specialists in this profession act as an intermediary. In the process of this painful and laborious activity, workers are exposed to many bites from Anopheles mosquitoes.

 Malaria Control Specialist


Deodorant Expert

Representatives of this profession need to observe the condition of the armpits of the test group, recording changes in odour throughout the day. Due to its specifics, this work is rather narrowly focused and unpleasant. An expert deodorant job is open at some cosmetic companies.

Deodorant Expert

Slaughter specialist

Representatives of this profession are constantly accompanied by severe stress and an increased fear of contracting disease-causing infections. The list of diseases that can arise during work is quite impressive: gastric infections, tuberculosis, bird flu.

Slaughter specialist

Specialist in butchering carcasses at a meat processing plant

The main task of these workers is to cut the carcasses of cows and pigs, as well as the subsequent extraction of bones and internal organs. Approximately one in three carcass butchering specialists are injured in the course of their work. There is also a huge risk of contracting mad cow disease and E. coli.

Specialist in butchering carcasses at a meat processing plant

Hospital Laundry Worker

Hospital laundry staff work in cramped and stuffy rooms filled with dirty laundry. During the work process, these people can contract severe infections. Also, such specialists are exposed to numerous occupational hazards: Chemical exposure, physical injury, accidents.

Hospital Laundry Worker