Our planet Earth is a beautiful and diverse place, and one of its most extreme environments can be found in its coldest regions. These frigid locations are known for their harsh conditions and breathtaking beauty. Starting from the coldest place, let’s begin the ranking of the coolest places of our planet.



It is the coldest permanently inhabited locales on Earth. Itis a rural locality located in the Oymakonsky district of the Sakha republic,Russia. It is named after the Oymyakon River. Its recorded average temperature is -67.7 degree Celsius.

Over the last few decades, the population of Oymyakon has shrunk considerably. It had a peak population of around 2500 inhabitants when it was the central town of the region. But according to the recent census, the estimated population is of 500 to 900 people. The two main valleys beside Oymyakoncreate the even colder climate. The students of this area are allowed to attend school when the temperature is warmer than -55 degree Celsius.


Vostok Station

Verkhoyansk is a town in the Sakha Republic of Russia, and it is known for its extreme temperature fluctuations. Holding the first position is the Antarctica’s Soviet VostokStation which was founded by the Soviet Union. It shows the lowest natural temperature of -89.2 degree Celsius.

People do live at Vostok. It being a research station inhabits about 25 scientists, whose number drops to 13 during extremely cold winter months. According to the recent reports, -89.2 degree Celsius can drop further to make it chillier. So certainly it will become one of those places where people cannot live year around, including scientist. Despite the harsh conditions, the town has a population of around 1,000 people who have adapted to the environment.

Vostok Station

Snag, Yukon, Canada

It is a small village located on a small, dry weather sideroad off the Alaska Highway, 25 km east of Beaver Creek, Yukon, Canada. It is located in a bowl shaped valley of the White River and its tributaries, including Snag Creek. It is a totally closed village with no inhabitants.Initially it had eight to ten First nation people or fur traders, and an additional staff of fifteen to twenty airport personnel- meteorologists, radio operators, aircraft maintenance men who lived at the airport barracks.

Snag, Yukon, Canada

Its lowest temperature record was -63 degree Celsius, which was recorded on February third, 1947. Another town which was 180 km northeast of Snag, Fort Selkirk, claimed to have recorded the temperature of -65 degree Celsius, but this claim could not be confirmed. That is why Snag hold the fourth rank.

An interesting story revolving around this town is about the disappearance of the aircraft. On January 26, 1950 a Douglas C-54 Skymaster of the US air force disappeared. A total of 34 service personnel, 2 civilian and crew of 8 people were present on the flight. It disappeared during its flight from Alaska to Montana and no wreckage or remains have ever been located.

Snag, Yukon, Canada


Prospect Creek Airport

It is a state owned public use airport owned by the state of Alaska. It is located 5.5 km northeast of Prospect Creek in the Yukon-Koyukukarea of Alaska. As it is located near the prospect creek, which is a small settlement near Bettles, Alaska, therefore its recorded lowest temperature is-62-1 degree Celsius. Even this creek has the temperature which is rarely pleasurable for the visitors. Thanks to the construction of Trans Alaska Pipeline, most of the residents left this place.

Prospect Creek Airport


Ranking third is the town of Verkhoyansk in Verkhoyansky district Republic, Russia. It is located on the Yana River near the Arctic Circle. It is an inhabited locality with a population of about 1311 to1709 people. It is classified as a town under district jurisdiction. Its recorded coldest temperature is -67.6 degree Celsius. And during the warmest months its recorded temperature was +37.3 degree Celsius.

This is also a river port, an airport, a fur collecting depot and the center of a reindeer-raising area. It is also home to the Pole of Cold Museum. The interesting fact is this town holds the Guinness World record for the greatest temperature range on Earth which is 105 degree Celsius.
