There are all kinds of places on Earth, some creepy, some beautiful, and some both. And with the increasing craze of adrenaline-inducing activities among the masses, all kinds of adventure sports and manmade attractions are cropping up out there. With that said, here is a list of top 6 scariest attractions in the world in terms of how high your heart rate rises up to:


Death Road, Bolivia

The 69 km long North Yungas road is one of the few roads that connect Bolivia’s capital La Paz to the town of Coroico near the Amazon rainforest. And up until 10 years ago, it used to be the only road. This road has been aptly named “Death road”, because hardly ever has anyone made it alive after having traveled on this road. From La Paz, this road climbs up to 4650 meters before rising to 1190 meters. The deadly cliffs, hairpin turns, innumerable landslides, and an inescapable fog makes it one of the deadliest roads on this planet.

Death Road, Bolivia

The Catacombs of Paris

This place has to be one of the creepiest places on this planet, even though it is now a government-regulated tourist attraction. Paris has a complex underground maze stretching over an area of more than 300 km right below the city. And in the narrow twisted lanes of this maze reside the remains of more than 6 million Parisians. In the 18th Century, when the epidemic plagued the citizens of Paris, the death toll increased at an alarming rate. So much so that even the cemeteries of Paris couldn’t accommodate the dead bodies. The city stank of dead bodies, especially after they littered the streets post floods. To solve this problem, the citizens of Paris started depositing these dead bodies in the underground spy network of Paris.

The Catacombs of Paris

Nagoro Village, Japan

The story and the vibe of this village are somewhat similar to that of the Island of Dolls. Nagoro is a tiny village in Japan where there are more dolls than people. These dolls are so lifelike that an oblivious person will mistake them for real people from a distance. You can see these dolls everywhere, positioned around the village in different ways. They are there in the fields, on the streets, near the river with a fishing rod, and even inside classrooms. All of them are positioned the way they would be if they were actually human.

Nagoro Village, Japan


Tianmen Glass Skywalk, China

China is home to a number of breathtaking skywalks, but this is the highest and the most exhilarating of all. 4700 feet above the valleys of Tianmen mountain peak stretches this 200-meter long bridge made entirely of glass. This bridge is 3 feet wide and 2.5 inches thick. What makes it so exhilarating is the narrowness of the bridge, its height above the ground. And the fact that you can see the deep valley stretching endlessly right below your feet. Not to mention that the bridge swings to and fro all the time owing to the strong winds at this altitude.

Tianmen Glass Skywalk, China

Suicide Forest, Japan

Aokighara forest, a few miles from the majestic Mount Fuji, is so dense that it is also called the “Sea of Trees”. But this forest also has as many number of suicides credited with it as the number of trees. Every year, more than 100 people willingly give up their lives inside this forest. In fact, some depressed people go to this forest just to commit suicide. This is how the forest got this name. The reason for suicide is assumed to be the melancholy atmosphere of the forest. Aokighara forest is so dense that even sunlight cannot penetrate the leafy canopy at most places.

Suicide Forest, Japan

Island of Dolls, Mexico

This famous island is present in every “Creepiest Places Around The World” list on the internet. Isla de las Munecas or Island of Dolls is a tiny island south of Mexico famous for the hundreds of dolls adorning every inch of the island. These dolls are just EVERYWHERE, and they look as if their eyes are following you around. According to legend, one fine day some hundred years ago, the caretaker of the island Don Julian found the dead body of a little girl floating near the coast. And then a few days later, he found a doll floating in water exactly where he’d found the body.

Island of Dolls, Mexico