The most successful countries that are called energy-wise countries are the ones that are able to balance the interplay of three important factors which are energy security, equity, and sustainability. First, they should effectively manage the resources they have, whatever they may be. Second, divide these resources equally among their people and assure that their needs are met. Finally, keep their resources sustainable not only for the people in the current generation but for future generations as well. The following is a list of the top 7 countries that have successfully implemented these three factors while using green energy.



The Swiss government has managed to keep itself at the top of the list with sustainable sources of energy. It is extremely important to mention that Switzerland has no oil, gas or coal reserves and the number one source of energy in the country is hydroelectric that totals 52.6% followed by nuclear energy with 41.6%.



With a GDP per capita of nearly 42% and a small population on the extremely wide green lawns, Norway is one of the richest countries in the world that has a 0% poverty rate. Along with the lawns, there are also the big seas that surround them and even the icebergs are all-natural resources that Norwegians are smart enough to make the best use of. Most of the energy thus comes from natural resources, especially the water.



Belgium has a powerful energy system that is making the most out of natural resources. Wind and sun are the biggest resources that avail this land. Their solar flowers went viral all over the world. They were invented by Alexander Dang who used solar energy in his kinetic art and incorporated motor and solar cells in his flowers. The flowers convert the light of the sun into electricity.




What used to be an impediment in the way of the Finnish progress in the field of solving the pollution problem, namely the increasing emission of CO2 in the atmosphere is just about to reach its end. This has moved the country 5 steps up. It is important to mention that Finland’s major energy source is the thermal type.



In France, there is a mixture of different kinds of renewable energy at the heart of every roaring and silent machine. Nuclear and hydroelectric types of energy are estimated to afford 80% of the country’s sources of energy. With low oil at home, the French government sought to be the number one producer of nuclear energy in Europe, and it succeeded.



This advanced position of Sweden did not come out of the blue. The country has planned everything that consumes energy down even the trams and metros. The number one energy source in this country is the hydroelectric followed by nuclear energy.



Although Austria depends on energy imports, it is working hard to reduce this and become a self-sufficient country. It is trying to achieve this goal by making use of solar energy.
