Australia, or the country “down under”, is a very interesting country. When many people think about it, they might think about kangaroos, koalas, poisonous animals, haunted places or even the Outback; however, there is a lot more to this country then just the stereotypes. While it is impossible to know all about Australia, learn a little bit more about this amazing country and Australian trivia by making sure to check out below for the top 7 facts about Australia.


Australia is home to the world’s longest fence

You have probably heard of the Great Wall of China. The Chinese originally built it with the intention of protecting themselves from the raiding nomads that lived north of the wall. However, you have probably never heard of one of the most famous things in Australia, the Dog Fence or Dingo Fence. However, you probably didn’t know one of the most interesting facts about Australia. Australians built the fence in the early 1900s. It is 3,488 miles (5,614 kilometers) long and is the longest fence in the world. It it is just under 5 foot 11 inches (180 centimeters) in height.

Australia is home to the world’s longest fence

Australians use classical music in shopping centers to deter teenagers from loitering

One of the most interesting facts about Australia is their laid back lifestyle and their way at looking at life. For example, at the Westfield Know shopping center in Melbourne Australia, the police have started using an interesting tactic in order to help disperse unruly youths loitering around the mall. They don’t forcibly remove them and chase them around. Instead, they play music that the kids did not like, such as classical music from Beethoven and Bach. Using this tactic, they have managed to reduce the loitering problem.

Australians use classical music in shopping centers to deter teenagers from loitering

Australia’s Prison Colony Roots

The Dutch discovered Australia in 1606. In 1770, the British laid claim to the eastern half of the continent. One of the most interesting facts about Australia is that by 1788, New South Wales became a penal colony where over the next 80 years; over 160,000 convicts from around the British Empire (England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales) were sent to live out the rest of their lives instead of being put to death.

Australia’s Prison Colony Roots


Living Near the Coast and the Cities

While Australia is a really big country, one of the most interesting facts about Australia is that it is mostly empty wilderness where you could drive for miles and miles without seeing any signs of civilization. In fact, more than 80 percent of the country’s population lives no farther than 62 miles (100 kilometers) from the coastline, making the country one of the most urbanized and coastal nations in the world.

Living Near the Coast and the Cities

Ugg Boots Originated in Australia

Ugg Boots, commonly called Uggies by Australians, have their origins in Australia. Makers of these boots normally make them from sheepskin with fleece on the inside. Originally, people made them for a utilitarian purpose in order to keep people’s feet warm rather than to run around. Due to this feature, in the 1990s, they became very popular with the US surf culture. Despite not originally being used as a fashion statement they eventually became a popular trend worldwide in the 2000s.

Ugg Boots Originated in Australia

 An Australian invented the term selfie

Australian’s have a lot of interesting slang. For example, barbie for barbecue, tinnie for a can of beer, and firie (or firey) for firefighter. However, one of the interesting facts about Australia that you probably did not realize is that the ubiquitous term “selfie” also came from Australia. Despite the fact that people use it in everyday culture throughout the world.

 An Australian invented the term selfie

No animals native to Australia have hooves

Australia has a variety of amazing animal life. However, interestingly, no animals native to Australia have hooves. It is ironic really, considering you can find animals such as kangaroos, koalas, and platypus.

No animals native to Australia have hooves