Facing hindrances and trying to get over a peaceful sleep at night? Then for what you are hanging on, go and grab some greens for your bedroom. Not only will they cleanse the air around you, but studies show that these will help you get seamless sleep being your decisive stress booster. Scroll down to know the top 7 indoor plants and their amazing, relaxing, and fantastic benefits you would get if you have them in your bedroom.


Spider Plant

These plants are among those that necessitate minimal care and thereupon have been within the top 7 indoor plants one can have. Without fooling it by its name, these plants will provide the perfect jungle vibes to your space. Although, these plants ask for bright light, need not be direct. And so, these will have a sound couch in your bedroom having a big window. Be cautious that the plant is not in direct contact with sunlight, so avoid keeping it on the window sill. Having a spider plant will be quite rejuvenating for you as it acts as a great air purifier, excluding toxins such as xylene and formaldehyde

Spider Plant

Philodendron Green

If your living environment has the appropriate indoor conditions, these plants crave, then you must not fail to add them up to your decor. These decent heart shape greens will embellish your spot specifically if you let them grow in a higher shelf-like structure. Yes, you’re guessing in the right trajectory, “The perfect hanging greens that will fancify your living space”.

Even though these indoor plants do not top the list of performing the job of purification. However, they do filter formaldehyde. But, the good part is yet to come, and that is, these plants urge for minimal maintenance. Exceedingly easy to trim down and proliferate. So all the newbies, out there, for what are you holding on? Go and have a hand on these ravishing philodendrons.

Philodendron Green

Aloe Vera

I know this is among the most popular plants we have in our homes. Apart from this, the Aloe Vera is one of NASA’s top air-purifying plants. This fantastic plant works much like the Snake plant. It releases oxygen at night, which leads to a better quality of air and a goodnight’s sleep. Aloe Vera is one of the easiest plants to grow and take care of as it doesn’t crave frequent watering. Aloe Vera will have a perfect seat on your bedroom’s window sill as this plant does need an ample amount of direct sunlight.

Aloe Vera


Monstera Deliciosa

These are brilliant options for indoor plants as they don’t crave long-term nursing. Yes, once you get them augmenting, then they’re super easy to take care of. As then these would grow at their own pace. These noticeable, attractive leafy plants grow quite well if your environment is having a warmer temperature. And the best part is that the Monstera Deliciosa needs to be watered only in an interval of one or two weeks. The idea here is to let the soil dry out for a while and then shower it with water. Also, if your bedroom doesn’t get the maximum sunlight, then these are the indoor plants you can have for yourself. The plant desires bright to medium indirect sunlight.

Monstera Deliciosa

Snake Plant

Not again, huh! Don’t go behind the name of this plant though. The Snake plant is the most recommended plant as an indoor plant. As this will benefit you by cleansing your indoor air quality and is also quite easy to take care of. This plant doesn’t crave moist soil, it’s rather on the drier side. So, you need not water it on a day-to-day basis. Additionally, it can survive through a wide range of light levels. So, now you are left with no excuses for not having this snake plant in your space even if your room doesn’t get enough daylight.

Snake Plant

ZZ Plant

The ZZ plant is known to be connected with a saying that, having this in your space exemplifies wealthiness and friendship. And so this becomes one of the most sweetened housewarming gifts that you can get for your loved and nearer ones. This indoor plant can prevail on a lower sunlight habitat as they’re blessed with drought-tolerant and thus demand inconsiderable care and feeding. If you’re a person who travels a lot, then is the plant you can have in your bedroom. Being drought-intolerant, these plants crave monthly watering especially during the blooming season. That is, in summers and spring.

ZZ Plant

Rubber Tree

Are you among those, who think that my plants will perish with time if I let slip off them? If yes, then go and get a rubber tree. Apart from this, what you need to know that the rubber tree is not pet friendly. And you need to keep it in a vicinity that receives the bright sunlight that it calls for. Although weekly watering is needed. At least much better than those plants that demand overwatering 24-hourly. Give the plant a good amount of space to grow happily, making your space cleansed by drawing out carbon dioxide.

Rubber Tree