With the only surviving monument for the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World to its great beach locations, there is a lot of things to see and do in Egypt. Check out below for some of the top 7 things to do in Egypt for the next time you visit.


Temple of Karnak (Luxor)

Located in the central part of Egypt along the banks of the Nile river in the modern day city of Luxor, the Temple of Karnak the second most visited site in Egypt after the Pyramids. When visitors go the Karnak they can understand why when they see this vast and magnificent temple complex. This vast temple complex filled with temples, buildings, and pillars takes up nearly 500 acres. Ancient Egyptians rebuilt, modified, and restored Karnak many times during its history mainly between the Middle Kingdom of Egypt (2055 BC) and the Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt (30 BC).

Temple of Karnak (Luxor)

Sharm El Luli

There are many things to do in Egypt that can cater to all types of people. For example, if going to ancient sites and museums does not sound interesting or if you just need a break, consider heading to Sharm El Luli. This beach and wilderness preserve is located in the Wadi el Gemal National Park on the west coast of the Red Sea. For more specific directions go to the following coordinates (24°33’00.0″N 35°09’00.0″E). It is possible to arrange taxis from local hotels to take you there and back. Also, there are several tours that take buses out to the location as well.

Sharm El Luli

Khan Al Khalili

One of the best things to do in Egypt is experience modern local culture. One of the best places to do this is in Khan Al Khalili. It is a major souk  at the center of historic Islamic culture in Cairo. Here visitors and locals alike can travel down the narrow alleyways and explore a variety of different shops and restaurants. Originally, builders defined the area into various district based on the type of products bought there; however, in modern times, this is not really the case.

Khan Al Khalili


Al Azhar Mosque

If you are looking for additional things to do in Cairo, consider checking out the Al Azhar Mosque. Locals established this mosque in 970 AD. It blends various architectural styles from over its 1000 year history. Its distinguishing features are its 5 Minarets (towers) that stand as lighthouses around the mosque. Interestingly, this madrassa (educational institute) which was establish in 988 AD, it is the second oldest university in the world.

Al Azhar Mosque

Step Pyramid of Djoser

If you are looking for things to do in Egypt, consider visiting the Step Pyramid of Djoser. It holds the great distinction as being the first pyramid that the ancient Egyptians built. It was the start of a long and distinguished history in pyramid building culminated with the Pyramids of Giza. Located just south of Cairo, it is a quick and easy drive to visit by taxi. The ancient Egyptians built it over 4,700 years ago during the Third Dynasty period of Egypt.

Step Pyramid of Djoser

Egyptian Museum

If you are looking to get a bang for your buck and truly be overwhelmed by ancient Egyptian culture, make sure to visit the Egyptian Museum  in the center of downtown Cairo, Egypt. Founded in 1902, this museum house over 120,000 items. It is the largest collection of ancient Egyptian items in the world. Lovers of ancient Egyptian history can find many Egyptian artifacts in other museums around the world. Either, the Egyptian government has lent them or people stole them over the period of time.

Egyptian Museum

Temples of Abu Simbel

There are many things to do in Egypt. However, the Temples of Abu Simbel are near the top of any list. The Great Temple of Ramses II and the Temple of Hathor, together form the Temples of Abu Simbel. They are some of the most iconic monuments in Egypt due to their rock reliefs of sitting and standing pharaohs. The temples are located in modern day southern Egypt near the border with Sudan. The builders originally cut them out of the rocks in the mountainside.

Temples of Abu Simbel