Pistol Shrimp (Snapping Shrimp), Stun gun

Alpheidae is the scientific name of the snapping shrimp. As the name says, these shrimps are capable of producing loud snapping sound. Another name of this animal is pistol shrimp because of their ability to produce powerful snapping sound (an amazing 210 decibels) and an even powerful jet of bubbles from their claws. The jet of powerful bubbles is strong enough to stun other bigger fishes, kill few smaller animals or break a small glass jar. Incredibly, this absurd animal generates temperatures of 8,000 degrees Fahrenheit from the jet of bubbles for a fraction of a second. That is as hot as the surface of the sun. Another interesting power of pistol shrimp is to reverse their claws and their ability to regenerate their lost claws. This little animal has a natural working gun in front of the mouth, basically a stun-gun.